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  • Conform to EN 1757-2
  • Can be used with Euro 800 x 1200mm Open Pallets
  • Fork Width: 160 mm
  • Lowered height of forks: 85mm
  • Mobile on 180 x 50 Black Nylon Steering Wheels & 74 x 50 Black Nylon Front Rollers
  • Stabilising bars automatically come into operation to prevent the unit moving
  • Automatically slow descending speed to prevent damage of your goods

VULCAN High Lift Pallet Truck

7 Day Delivery
SKU Description Price (inc VAT) Qty  
HLPT1755 Fork Length mm: 1170
Width over Forks mm: 540
Load Capacity kg: 1000
Weight kg: 95
HLPT1768 Fork Length mm: 1170
Width over Forks mm: 685
Load Capacity kg: 1000
Weight kg: 115